Jun 4, 2010

Published Photographs: Time Out Edition

I was commissioned last year by Time Out to photograph its latest New York City Guidebook, which was published this week. The mandate was to photograph 60 locations in 30 days, which took me to all five boroughs.

Photographing a guidebook is all about versatility in terms of photography skills. A city guidebook in particular is so much more than waiting for the right light and weather to photograph major sights. A typical day which runs well into the night would include restaurants, music venues, shops, art galleries, hotels and comedy acts.

Like many travel photographers I spend several months a year photographing cities around the world. It was a pleasure to photograph my hometown from top to bottom and discover new places along the way.

Pictured above from top to bottom: DUMBO, Bar at the Jane Hotel, Washington Square Park.


Jen Laceda | Milk Guides said...

congrats! i use Time Out in all my travels...

House in Tillford said...

Congrats! Great pics

Nisha said...

Congrats for getting such opportunity.

Catherine said...

big congratulations Wendy- the shots look fabulous and look forward to seeing the rest of the photographs...

Lentil Breakdown said...

Just found your blog. Congrats on your assignment. That's a big deal! I just went on a Brooklyn Pizza Tour in April and did a piece on my blog. That was a lot of fun. It's great you got to go to all the boroughs.

NishaK said...

Congrats!! the pics are really awesome

Lola said...

Congrats Wendy!

Wendy said...

Thank you all.

Lentil, glad you found your way here. When I hear Brooklyn Pizza Tour the line outside Grimaldi's comes to mind.

Kristina said...

The pictures are great, congrats, great opportunity and perfectly done! viele grüsse, kristina