Jun 12, 2010

Street Scenes: Diriomo Witchcraft Capital of the Meseta

You wouldn’t know by looking at it but Diriomo, Nicaragua is known as the Witchcraft capital of the Meseta. The practices and beliefs date back to Nicaragua’s indigenous roots. Diriomo is also one of the Los Pueblos Blancos, or White Villages, of Nicaragua. Each is know for something different, such as pottery or plant nurseries.

It was the last stop after a day of village hopping before taking the local bus back to Granada. The small town was full of activity in the late afternoon. A local eatery served up a large fried chicken platter before we hit the road. There were no tourists in sight.


Fly Girl said...

What are some of the practices and beliefs that make it the witchcraft capital? Did you observe any rituals?

Kristina said...

great, just found all your posts on Nicaragua - planning a trip to Costa Rica and Nicaragua at the end of the year! so excited!! viele grĂ¼sse, kristina

Wendy said...

Fly Girl, I was there briefly and it wasn't a planned visit or a trip to document the practices.

Kristina, Your trip sounds great and thanks for stopping by.